Matt Gaetz tweeted the following:
"Episode 67 LIVE: The Florida Rehab Shuffle Firebrand with Matt Gaetz"
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Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"WATCH @Firebrand_Pod Episode 61 LIVE: Overeducated Elites" on Aug. 25
Read on Twitter" on Aug. 25
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"Instead of wiping away student loan debt with a presidential executive order, we ought to allow people who are victims of predatory systems to declare bankruptcy.
It would shatter the foundation of higher-ed finance.
@Firebrand_Pod Episode 61 (07/20/2022)" on Aug. 25
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It would shatter the foundation of higher-ed finance.
@Firebrand_Pod Episode 61 (07/20/2022)" on Aug. 25
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"Everyone knows that in a $60 Billion+ European land war, it's always the last $3 Billion that kicks in the door..." on Aug. 24
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