Matt Gaetz tweeted the following:
"I know firsthand what it's like to be the target of a weaponized government.But God doesn't give us anything we can't handle.I will continue to fight on the @Weaponization Subcommittee for all wrongly targeted Americans."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"The Fake News media endlessly propagandized my life and told lies about me because Im effective at impacting legislation.They always come for the fighters. We all have to watch our back because thats where the target is."Read on Twitter
"TONIGHT: Ill be joining @IngrahamAngle for an exclusive interview.Tune in to @FoxNews at 10pm ET/9pm CT!"Read on Twitter
"For all the money weve sent to Ukraine, we could have secured every American from Chinese cyberattacks.Instead, were flooding a historically corrupt country with cash and provoking a deranged madman with nuclear powers.: @LarsLarsonShow" on Feb. 14Read on Twitter