Matt Gaetz tweeted the following:
"No one can truly defend Adam Schiff.
He made his career leaking and then embroidering lies onto those very leaks.
Thats why I introduced the PENCIL Resolution today to block Adam Schiff from accessing classified information."
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Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"Gaetz: What do you think about the decision to send Abrams tanks to Ukraine?
@RepTimBurchett: I'm not a supporter of that. It's a slippery slope. Biden said, if we send trains, tanks, and planes, that's World War III. Well, guess what Ukraine said today? Send us some planes.""
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@RepTimBurchett: I'm not a supporter of that. It's a slippery slope. Biden said, if we send trains, tanks, and planes, that's World War III. Well, guess what Ukraine said today? Send us some planes.""
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"READ: Congressman Matt Gaetz Introduces PENCIL Resolution, Barring Congressman Adam Schiff from Accessing Classified Information"
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"COMING UP: Ill be joining @SeanHannity to discuss legislation I filed today titled the PENCIL Resolution, which will block Adam Schiff from accessing classified information.
TUNE IN to @FoxNews tonight at 9:15pm ET/8:15pm CT!"
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TUNE IN to @FoxNews tonight at 9:15pm ET/8:15pm CT!"
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