Matt Gaetz tweeted the following:
"Those who perpetrated the Russian collusion hoax on the American people were in fact taking corrupt cash from Russia.That's why @Jim_Jordan and I will hold hearings, bring whistleblowers forward, and demand answers to determine how deep the rot goes."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"TONIGHT: Ill be joining @SeanHannity with Rep. @Jim_Jordan to discuss our upcoming efforts to hold the FBI accountable.TUNE IN to @FoxNews at 9:15pm ET/8:15pm CT!"Read on Twitter
"There is no amount of "purges" that will suddenly make me support giving money to Ukraine. Ukraine has been corrupt for decades.We dont even give money to American agencies without oversight, so why would we do the same with Ukraine?" on Jan. 24Read on Twitter
"Whether or not Mike Pence gets a special counsel for classified documents found at his residence is dependent on if he announces that he is running for president.The Deep State's mouthpieces all over cable news today are sending a message to Mike Pence: don't run for president." on Jan. 24Read on Twitter