Matt Gaetz tweeted the following:
"We now have House rules in place that would never allow a terrible omnibus legislation to happen to the American people again.It doesnt weaken Speaker McCarthy. I think it makes him stronger than he ever would have been otherwise."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"The Weaponization of Government Select Committee will be staffed and resourced at a level no less than the illegitimate J6 Committee.Weve got to get the truth out on COVID, our elections, and whats happened within our own government.: @JennaEllisEsq"Read on Twitter
"I'll be joining The @BennyJohnson Show today to discuss how Republicans in the 118th Congress plan to fight back against the Biden Regime. TUNE IN at 11:30am ET/10:30am CT!"Read on Twitter
"Gaetz: What do your constituents want to see from Congress?@RepLuna: They want to be able to trust their government again. And I'm here to tell them this country is not beyond saving." on Jan. 12Read on Twitter