Matt Gaetz tweeted the following:
"Last week, America watched in real time how our government is functioning.Im introducing an amendment to allow @CSPAN cameras on the House floor at all times.Broader transparency in Congress is a net positive, and we need more of"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"Nancy Pelosi is going to be viewed as the last of the imperial speakers that centralized power and took a lot of the decision-making away from members of Congress. The new rules for the 118th Congress are a big win for the people of our country."Read on Twitter
"Moments ago, we passed the rules for the 118th Congress.We're going to have votes on term limits, balanced budgets, enforcement of our immigration laws, & more.NONE of those things would've happened if we caved, but with these concessions, the House is in a stronger position."Read on Twitter
"As I said in September, America has bigger problems than library disputes.The only reason criminality appends to paperwork kerfuffles is because they thought they could get Trump."Read on Twitter