Matt Gaetz tweeted the following:
"Nancy Pelosi is going to be viewed as the last of the imperial speakers that centralized power and took a lot of the decision-making away from members of Congress. The new rules for the 118th Congress are a big win for the people of our country."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"Moments ago, we passed the rules for the 118th Congress.We're going to have votes on term limits, balanced budgets, enforcement of our immigration laws, & more.NONE of those things would've happened if we caved, but with these concessions, the House is in a stronger position."Read on Twitter
"As I said in September, America has bigger problems than library disputes.The only reason criminality appends to paperwork kerfuffles is because they thought they could get Trump."Read on Twitter
"New from @NatalieGWinters: REVEALED: Daily Beast Reporter Used To Work For Sanctioned Chinese Military Company"" on Jan. 9Read on Twitter