Matt Gaetz tweeted the following:
"Were not trying to dictate terms. We represent our constituents. Kevin McCarthy has no ideology. Hes a vessel through which lobbyists and special interests operate.My team are the people in Florida who sent me here to fight for them."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"Tune in to @FoxNewsNight tonight!"Read on Twitter
".@TuckerCarlson on McCarthys bid for Speaker: "You don't want to be ruled by a man who wears a Ukrainian flag lapel pin and lives with Frank Luntz? No problem, we get it.""Read on Twitter
"Another day, another lie from Kevin McCarthy. Just weeks ago, Kevin McCarthy promised me and the entire House Republican caucus that he wouldnt seek Democrat votes to secure the Speakership. In fact his people said it was a doomsday scenario if this were to happen." on Jan. 4Read on Twitter