"Gaetz to @SecDef Austin: When Sleepy Joe has to clean up for your mess, thats how you know it really didnt go well."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"The problem with these Grifter Generals is they are focusing on things that are deeply unserious like wokeism, Critical Race Theory, and gender training." on April 8Read on Twitter
"Gaetz in @OrlandoSentinel: Close the Disney Tax Loophole"The @WaltDisneyCo benefits from a Florida Tax Code loophole that should be closed. Big business shouldnt be able to use political influence and power to avoid paying their fair share."orlandosentinel.com/opinion/guest-" on April 8Read on Twitter
".@RepMTG on the Black National Anthem: I'll be voting no. We only have one national anthem, and I'm not a racist. So I don't know why we need to elevate one race over the other. We are all one Nation under God." on April 8Read on Twitter