"Gaetz in @OrlandoSentinel: Close the Disney Tax Loophole"The @WaltDisneyCo benefits from a Florida Tax Code loophole that should be closed. Big business shouldnt be able to use political influence and power to avoid paying their fair share."orlandosentinel.com/opinion/guest-"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
".@RepMTG on the Black National Anthem: I'll be voting no. We only have one national anthem, and I'm not a racist. So I don't know why we need to elevate one race over the other. We are all one Nation under God."Read on Twitter
".@ABCNetwork would have canceled any conservative or Republican for saying anything close to @JimmyKimmel's threat to @RepMTG, but because it's woke, it's "okay." The American people need to see it for what it is." on April 7Read on Twitter
".@JustTheNews: "Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) sent a letter to @SecDef Lloyd Austin on Thursday, demanding he declassify a March briefing on hypersonics to Congress that contradicts claims the secretary told him earlier this week."justthenews.com/government/con" on April 7Read on Twitter