Matt Gaetz tweeted the following:
"Gaetz and @RepMTG are the ringleaders of the GOPs most hard-core, pro-Trump congressional faction.The MAGA Squad: Theyre here. Theyre weird. And pretty soon, they may be in control of the GOP Congressif they arent already. (via @TIME)"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"Gun owners are some of the most law-abiding people on Earth." on June 10Read on Twitter
"FACT: J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson defended deadly insurrectionists." on June 10Read on Twitter
".@RevolverNewsUSA: How GOP Legislatures Can Copy Johnny Depp & Defang Lying Press With One Simple Trick"It's become a valuable tool of the media, the Left, and the Establishment Right to try to get rid of people that are challenging a prevailing narrative and call them racist." on June 9Read on Twitter