Matt Gaetz tweeted the following:
"I'm not sure that the $40 Billion to Ukraine isn't going to start WW3.I gave a speech on the floor of the Congress this week that urgently warned that the nation was being slept walked into a war that Congress never approved and I don't think the American people want.""Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"I'm urgently warning you."Read on Twitter
".@DarrenJBeattie's #RevolverNews: Why Funding Ukraine Is Just Dead Wrong"Republican support was overwhelming as well, but a few members did bravely stand against the tide. They were 57 strong. Rep. Matt Gaetz led the charge.""Read on Twitter
"I cant tell whos more obsessed with evoking white supremacy: Woke Generals or Democrats in Congress? Either way, Dem Chair of Armed Services @RepAdamSmith is wrong.Embracing wokeness will cause people who might otherwise sign up to serve in our military to not do so." on May 12Read on Twitter