Matt Gaetz tweeted the following:
"What we're witnessing right now regarding the Roe v. Wade court documents is not just a leak or an instance of passive threats against SCOTUS Justices.
We're witnessing an operation."
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Here are other recent tweets from Matt Gaetz:
"Nina Jankowicz's experience in disinformation seems to be peddling it, not combating it."
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"It's important to analyze the $33B to Ukraine in context for what the Biden Administration won't do here on our own Southern Border.
With just a small percentage of that, we could finish the Trump Wall and have a physical barrier against the invasion that we're currently facing." on May 4
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With just a small percentage of that, we could finish the Trump Wall and have a physical barrier against the invasion that we're currently facing." on May 4
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"We need tough people willing to push back against the Democrats and Republicans that would do our agenda harm.
When GOP Leadership is too busy with the hand wringing and the bedwetting, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the rest of us that they're capable of leading." on May 4
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When GOP Leadership is too busy with the hand wringing and the bedwetting, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the rest of us that they're capable of leading." on May 4
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