Okaloosa County School District recently issued the following announcement.
The Okaloosa County School District is currently examining materials for adoption to be used in elementary, middle, and high school math classes. The elementary and secondary
committees will be reevaluating the publishers below to determine two finalists for each grade span. Links and login information are available for teachers, parents, and members
of the public wishing to review the materials being evaluated.
The textbook review committee will be meeting via Zoom on February 28th, 2022, to review and discuss their evaluations of the materials below and confirm the recommended two
finalists to proceed to the next round of evaluation. All teachers, parents, and community members are welcome to listen and submit feedback. The Zoom meetings will take place
at the following times:
- High School (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Additional Courses) – 2:30 p.m.
- Middle School (Grades 6 – 8) – 3:15 p.m.
- Elementary (Grades K-5) – 4:00 p.m.
Additionally, a publishers’ question and answer session will be held on March 3, 2022, in the Niceville Curriculum Complex Training Room during the hours of 3:30-5:30. All
teachers, parents, and community members are welcome! You will have the opportunity to meet the publisher representatives, learn about the programs firsthand, and ask
questions. For more information, contact Ryan Gore at 850-833-4208 or by e-mail at gorer@okaloosaschools.com.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – HMH
- hmhco.com/FLBestMath
- Usernmae: FLPublicReviewStudent1
- Password: TheBest1!
Grades K-5: my.mheducation.com
- Username: flrevealk5public
- Password: flrevealk5public
- bigideaslearning.com/programs/florida/pub_review
- Password: floridasbest_review2021
Math Nation:Florida’s B.E.S.T. (grades 6-8):
McGraw-Hill: Reveal Math:- my.mheducation.com
- Username: flreveal612public
- Password: flreveal612public
- bigideaslearning.com/programs/florida/pub_review
- Password: floridasbest_review2021
- Grade 6 - assets.savvas.com/file-vault/flipbooks/floridareview/math/2023/FL_MGM_G6_SE/?_ga=2.113240196.1480979018.1625538334-1089380622.1606776728
- Grade 6 Accelerated - assets.savvas.com/file-vault/flipbooks/floridareview/math/2023/FL_MGM_G6A_SE/?_ga=2.5033523.1480979018.1625538334-1089380622.1606776728
- Grade 7 - assets.savvas.com/file-vault/flipbooks/floridareview/math/2023/FL_MGM_G7_SE/?_ga=2.51719081.1480979018.1625538334-1089380622.1606776728
- Grade 7 Accelerated - assets.savvas.com/file-vault/flipbooks/floridareview/math/2023/FL_MGM_G7A_SE/?_ga=2.122154891.1480979018.1625538334-1089380622.1606776728
- Grade 8 - assets.savvas.com/file-vault/flipbooks/floridareview/math/2023/FL_MGM_G8_SE/?_ga=2.50127654.1480979018.1625538334-1089380622.1606776728
Algebra 1:
Math Nation: Florida’s B.E.S.T. Algebra 1
McGraw-Hill: Florida Reveal Algebra 1- my.mheducation.com
- Username: flreveal612public
- Password: flreveal612public
- bigideaslearning.com/programs/florida/pub_review
- Password: floridasbest_review2021
Math Nation: Florida’s B.E.S.T. Geometry
McGraw-Hill: Florida Reveal Geometry- my.mheducation.com
- Username: flreveal612public
- Password: flreveal612public
- bigideaslearning.com/programs/florida/pub_review
- Password: floridasbest_review2021
- assets.savvas.com/file-vault/flipbooks/floridareview/math/2023/FL_Math_Geo_SE/
Math Nation: Florida’s B.E.S.T. Algebra 2
McGraw-Hill: Florida Reveal Algebra 2- my.mheducation.com
- Username: flreveal612public
- Password: flreveal612public
- bigideaslearning.com/programs/florida/pub_review
- Password: floridasbest_review2021
Probability and Statistics Honors
Bedford, Freeman & Worth - Statistics and Probability with Applications (Starnes)
- https://hs.saplinglearning.com/ibiscms/login/
- User Name: FloridaMathReview@bfwpub.com
- Password: Reveiw2021!
- pearsonetext.com/
- Username: BockStatsModelingtheWorldSTU
- Password:FLsavvas2022
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – College Algebra (Young)
- https://education.wiley.com/ngonboard/index.html#/Login
- Username: HMHWileyMathReview+FLmath2@gmail.com
- Password: TheBEST1!
- N/A
Savvas - Stats In Your World (Block, Craine, Mariano, Velleman, De Veaux)
- pearsonetext.com/
- Username: BockStatsModelingtheWorldSTU
- Password: FLsavvas2022
Savvas - Thinking Mathematically (Blitzer)
- pearsonetext.com/
- Username: BlitzerThinkMathSTU
- Password: FLsavvas2022
Cengage - Precalculus with Limits (Larson/Battaglia)
Savvas - Precalculus: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (Sullivan, Sullivan)- pearsonetext.com/
- User Name: SullivanPrecalSTU
- Password: Flsavvas2022
Cengage - Financial Algebra Tax Update (Gerver/Sgroi)
Savvas - Thinking Quantitatively: Communication with Numbers (Gaze)- pearsonetext.com/
- User Name: GazeThinkQuantitativelySTU
- Password: Flsavvas2022