City Of Freeport
Recent News About City Of Freeport
358 businesses in Walton County had between five and nine employees in 2019
There were 358 businesses in Walton County with between five and nine employees in 2019, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
1,496 businesses in Walton County had fewer than five employees in 2019
There were 1,496 businesses in Walton County with fewer than five employees in 2019, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Debbie Gallagher from Freeport contributes a total of $1,000 to Republican Party of Florida candidate Jonathan Michael Tallman
Debbie Gallagher from Freeport contributed a total of $1,000 since January 1, 2019, to Republican Party of Florida candidate Jonathan Michael Tallman.
Michael Mosley from Freeport contributes a total of $100 to Republican Party of Florida candidate Jonathan Michael Tallman
Michael Mosley from Freeport contributed a total of $100 since January 1, 2019, to Republican Party of Florida candidate Jonathan Michael Tallman.
Michael Mosley from Freeport contributes a total of $100 to Republican Party of Florida candidate Jeff Hinkle
Michael Mosley from Freeport contributed a total of $100 since January 1, 2019, to Republican Party of Florida candidate Jeff Hinkle.
Pam Riley from Freeport contributes a total of $87 to Florida Democratic Party candidate Joshua Hicks
Pam Riley from Freeport contributed a total of $87 since January 1, 2019, to Florida Democratic Party candidate Joshua Hicks.
Samantha Herring from Freeport contributes a total of $100 to Florida Democratic Party candidate Dave Aronberg
Samantha Herring from Freeport contributed a total of $100 since January 1, 2019, to Florida Democratic Party candidate Dave Aronberg.
Samantha Herring from Freeport contributes a total of $500 to Florida Democratic Party candidate Dianne Marie Krumel
Samantha Herring from Freeport contributed a total of $500 since January 1, 2019, to Florida Democratic Party candidate Dianne Marie Krumel.
Three businesses in zip 32439 had between 50 and 99 employees in 2017
There were three businesses in Florida zip code 32439 that had between 50 and 99 employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Seven businesses in zip 32439 had between 20 and 49 employees in 2017
There were seven businesses in Florida zip code 32439 that had between 20 and 49 employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
26 businesses in zip 32439 had between 10 and 19 employees in 2017
There were 26 businesses in Florida zip code 32439 that had between 10 and 19 employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
37 businesses in zip 32439 had between five and nine employees in 2017
There were 37 businesses in Florida zip code 32439 that had between five and nine employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
142 businesses in zip 32439 had fewer than five employees in 2017
There were 142 businesses in Florida zip code 32439 that had fewer than five employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
37 construction businesses in ZIP code 32439 employ fewer than 5 people in 2017
There were 37 construction businesses in ZIP code 32439 that employed fewer than five people in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
10 retail trade businesses in ZIP code 32439 employ between 5 and 9 people in 2017
There were 10 retail trade businesses in ZIP code 32439 that employed between five and nine people in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Eight construction businesses in ZIP code 32439 employ between 10 and 19 people in 2017
There were eight construction businesses in ZIP code 32439 that employed between 10 and 19 people in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Total OASDI disabled beneficiaries in Florida zip 32439 increases in 2019
There were 385 total OASDI disabled beneficiaries in Florida zip code 32439 in 2019, a 4.1 percent increase over 2018, which had 370 total disabled beneficiaries, according to the official Social Security Administration website.
144 businesses in Walton County had between 20 and 49 employees in 2017
There were 144 businesses with addresses in Walton County zip codes that had between 20 and 49 employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
1,336 businesses in Walton County had fewer than five employees in 2017
There were 1,336 businesses with addresses in Walton County zip codes that had fewer than five employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
48 businesses in Walton County had between 50 and 99 employees in 2017
There were 48 businesses with addresses in Walton County zip codes that had between 50 and 99 employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.